The Top 16 Superfoods for Gorgeous Skin and Hair

Best Superfoods for Gorgeous Skin and Hair

skin hair foods

Stock up on the best foods for healthy skin and hair. The secret to gorgeous hair and glowing skin isn’t hiding in your medicine cabinet—it’s in your kitchen.

1. Blueberries

This low-profile berry was ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to 40 common fruits and vegetables. Additionally, berries are packed with vitamin C, which helps produce skin that’s firm and strong. Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a nutrient that’s essential to the production of collagen, a protein that aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature aging, so add half a cup of this top food for healthy skin and hair to your yogurt or cereal every day.

2. Wild Salmon

Wild salmon—not farm-raised—is one of the best food sources for omega-3 fatty acids, which helps keep your skin supple and moisturized. Salmon also has selenium, a mineral that protects the skin from sun exposure. The vitamin D in salmon keeps your bones and teeth strong and healthy, too. Try it grilled, baked, in your pasta, with a salad, in sushi.

3. Spinach

This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach is loaded with lutein, which keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling. Popeye’s favorite snack is also a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Trade lettuce for spinach, or saute spinach for a quick, healthy side of this best food for healthy skin and hair.

4. Oysters

The jury’s still out on whether oysters are really aphrodisiacs, but they are a good source of zinc, which aids in skin cell renewal and repair. Zinc also keeps your nails, hair, and eyes healthy. Who needs an aphrodisiac when you look and feel beautiful while snacking on a treat that tastes fresh like the sea?

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the best source of the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene. Surprisingly, lycopene in tomatoes is more easily absorbed by your body when it is cooked or processed, so make sure to stock up on canned tomato sauce, tomato juice, and ketchup to get the biggest beauty benefits from this food for healthy skin and hair.

6. Walnuts

You don’t need to eat cupfuls of walnuts to enjoy their many benefits: smoother skin, healthy hair, brighter eyes, and strong bones. Get your daily dose of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E by eating a handful by themselves or throwing some in your salad, pasta, or dessert.

7. Kiwis

This small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, which keep skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis also protect you from cancer and heart disease. Slice and serve as a side to your lunch sandwich, fold diced kiwi into a cup of yogurt come snacktime, or try a fresh kiwi recipes any time of day.

8. Dark Chocolate

We won’t judge you if you keep a secret stash of chocolate in your purse or desk…or both. In fact, we recommend you do. Chocolate contains anti-aging antioxidants called flavonoids, which fight free radicals to protect your skin from UV damage and help prevent the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and skin discolorations. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that participants who consumed a chocolate beverage high in flavonols (think dark chocolate—the higher the cocoa content the higher the health benefits) experienced improved skin texture and hydration, less sensitivity to the sun, and had 25 percent less skin redness in response to UV light exposure. Try an ounce a day as dessert.

9. Yogurt

One cup of low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a cup of fat-free milk, which is great for your posture, nails, and teeth. Greek yogurt, in particular, is packed with calcium and protein to help maintain those beautiful teeth (everyone loves a gorgeous grin). This best food for healthy skin and hair also contains natural live active cultures or “good” bacteria that aid in digestion, help boost immunity, and tame the effects of lactose intolerance, leading to a flat and “happy” belly. Mix it with fruit or granola for a healthy breakfast or that essential midafternoon snack.

10. Sweet Potatoes

You should be eating this superfood more often than just at Thanksgiving. Sweet potatoes can help boost immunity and promote glowing, gorgeous skin. Full of beta-carotene, sweet potatoes can help maintain bright, healthy eyes and protect your beautiful skin from UV exposure. The orange root veggies are also bursting with Vitamins A, C, and E, which can help improve the look of your hair and skin. Enjoy the nutritious spuds steamed, baked, sautéed, or roasted into sweet potato fries.

11. Avocados

Rich, creamy, and packed with good-for-you monounsaturated fats, avocados are one of the all-time best foods for healthy skin and hair. Key for healthy hair, skin, and nails, monounsaturated fatty acids or “good fats” can aid in lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, while improving HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Avocados also contain antioxidants, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and folate; and one avocado is packed with more potassium than a medium banana—almost 900 grams! Additionally, studies show that avocados are “nutrient boosters,” meaning they aid the body in absorption of nutrients from other foods. Try slices on a sandwich or salad or mash on toast or into your favorite guacamole recipe.

12. Flaxseed Meal

Flaxseeds provide a mega boost of omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for optimum brain function, a healthy heart, and radiant skin. Studies show both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed help soothe skin conditions like acne or eczema. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can aid in lowering cholesterol and help maintain a healthy rate of skin cell renewal. Flaxseeds also contain fiber, which can reduce bloating and promote digestion. To ensure your body absorbs all these beauty-boosting benefits, consume flaxseed in ground or “meal” form—try stirring a scoop into quick bread, muffin, or pancake batter.

13. Almond Butter

A great source of satisfying fiber and protein, almond nut butter can help keep your body well-fueled and fit when incorporated into a healthy diet. This tasty spread is also packed with vitamin E, manganese, and selenium, which help keep your hair shiny. The vitamin E in almonds and almond butter can also help protect your skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Vitamin E and almond oil can also be used topically on the body as a beauty serum. Try the nut butter spread on apples or a slice of whole-wheat toast.

14. Kale

Kale is the trendy green of choice and it’s also one of the most nutrient-dense foods for healthy skin and hair hiding in the produce section. Kale is packed with vitamins A, B6, C, and K, manganese, fiber, and omegas. One cup of kale provides about 10 percent of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in the body. With almost 200 percent of the RDA of vitamin A, one cup of kale is an effective antioxidant, boosts immunity, and maintains healthy bones and gorgeous teeth. Toss this healthy green into soups, bake it to make chips, or mix it in salads.

15. Quinoa

This tiny grain-like seed is a nutritional powerhouse. Quinoa contains large amounts of protein and all essential amino acids. The best part about this whole grain food for healthy skin and hair? You can eat it for breakfast (as a quinoa porridge with peaches and shaved coconut), lunch (with some mixed greens, shaved fennel, and a balsamic vinaigrette), or for dinner (in a quinoa lasagna)—just to name a few examples. The amino acids, vitamin B6, iron, and zinc in quinoa will help fire up immunity. Fiber will help keep you regular and moving.

16. Seaweed

Also known as “wakame” or “hijiki salad,” sea vegetables have been consumed by the Japanese—a population with one of the longest average life spans on the planet—for thousands of years. Chock-full of iron and phytonutrients, seaweed can aid circulation. Plus, nutrients in sea plants, such as iron, manganese, iodine, copper, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and selenium, can help boost reproductive health and are essential for gorgeous hair, skin, and nails. Opt for seaweed salad alongside your next order of sushi.

Hair & Skin superfoods

Indian Diet Plans for Healthy Skin and Hair

Everyone is pretty much aware of the Indian beauty possessed by men and women in the country. There has been countless number of times when non Indians have been curious to know about the origins of the beauty Indians have.

The tanned skin, large and beautiful eyes, long tresses, glowing skin and the wholesome figure have appealed people from all over the world. Indians have forever been known for their luscious long hair and glowing natural skin. In the olden days, when there were no beauty products or even beauty treatments, Indian women were still considered to be the most beautiful and flawless women all over the world.

The secret of their voluminous hair and supple skin lies not in creams and lotions, but in their diet. Indian diet includes many spices and ingredients which are very helpful and effective in maintaining healthy hair and skin. Given here is a rough outline of a diet plan that you must follow to obtain healthy hair and lovely skin.

1. Breakfast

Needless to say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day since the body is receiving food after about hours of fasting. Thus, it is important to take care of what you eat for breakfast. Include a glass of milk, cereals and a small portion of protein in your breakfast daily. Cereals can include muesli, bread, poha or cornflakes. Proteins include eggs, cheese, chicken, sprouts etc. Have a wholesome meal first thing in the morning.

2. Brunch

Sometime after breakfast but before lunch, make sure you consume one fluid and one portion of fiber. You can have buttermilk, fresh lime water, coconut water or lassi. Along with it, have at least one fruit. You can have fruit salad in case you’re really hungry.

3. Lunch

Have a complete lunch – Chapatti/Roti, vegetables, dal and dairy product. Chapatti makes up for a portion of cereal, vegetables are important in any diet, and dal (lentils) provides important proteins to the body. Dairy product, preferable curd, is very healthy for the body over all, but mostly for skin and hair.

4. Evening bites

Between lunch and dinner, do not starve your body of food. It requires the energy to perform its functions well. Thus, have a cup of tea or some milk in the evening. Also have 2 biscuits with it and drink water over it. This will make you feel full and allow the body to function optimally without any problems.

5. Dinner

If possible, finish your dinner by at the most 9 or 9:30 in the night. Any later than that, causes indigestion and thus disrupts the bodily functioning over all. Keep your dinner light but healthy. Consume cereals (roti or rice), proteins (dal, eggs, chicken or fish) and a portion of vegetables.

Following this pattern of a diet will not only help you maintain healthy skin and hair, but also keep you fit and fine over all. An unhealthy eating habit dulls the skin and starves the body of nutrients it requires to keep the hair healthy. Thus, following a nutrition-packed diet regime can go a long way in keeping your skin naturally glowing, soft and beautiful, while your hair will remain strong, luscious and voluminous.

Sources: Shape , Tutscorner