Genital Herpes: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What is Genital Herpes?

What is Genital Herpes?

Genital herpes is an infection by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the genitals. Most people either have no or mild symptoms and thus do not know they are infected. When symptoms do occur, they typically include small blisters that break open to form painful ulcers. Flu-like symptoms, such as fever, aching, or swollen lymph nodes, may also occur. Onset is typically around 4 days after exposure with symptoms lasting up to 4 weeks. Once infected further outbreaks may occur but are generally milder.


  • Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that causes infected sores, blisters, ulcers and cuts.
  • It is caused by the herpes simplex virus which can be passed on even if the person doesn’t have symptoms.
  • You can reduce your chances of getting genital herpes by using condoms or dental dams during sex.
  • A healthcare professional can test for genital herpes by taking a swab from a blister.
  • Treatment is available for herpes symptoms, but the virus will remain in the body and normally becomes active again, causing the blisters and ulcers to come back.

If you have had sex without a condom and are worried about STIs, get tested as soon as possible.

What is herpes?

Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of the virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2.

HSV-1 normally causes cold sores on your mouth and lips, while HSV-2 normally causes herpes around your genitals, anus or legs. However, this is not always the case. For example, it is possible to get genital herpes from someone who has a cold sore on their mouth.

It is also possible to have herpes outbreaks on other areas of skin such as your hands, face or nipples, but this is less common.

How serious is genital herpes?

Herpes causes blisters and ulcers. These can be painful but normally clear up within 2-3 weeks. However, the virus will remain dormant in your body and it is normal for herpes outbreaks to reoccur.

There is no cure for herpes, but there are things you can do to ease discomfort and avoid outbreaks.

People with suppressed immune systems, for example people living with HIV, might experience longer outbreaks and get more severe blistering.

It’s possible for pregnant women to pass herpes on to their children, causing what’s known as neonatal herpes (herpes in a baby). The virus is much more dangerous for babies and can cause miscarriages during pregnancy, and lead to brain damage, or even death in newborns.

How do you get genital herpes?

Herpes is most infectious during an outbreak (as well as immediately before and after). However, the virus can be passed on even when there are no symptoms.

The virus can enter your body through the moist skin around the genitals, mouth and anus (known as mucous membranes) as well as through small cuts (e.g. on your fingers or hands).

You can get genital herpes from:

  • vaginal or anal sex without a condom or dental dam with someone who has genital herpes – even if they don’t have symptoms
  • oral sex without a condom or dental dam from someone who has cold sores – even if they don’t have symptoms
  • sharing sex toys that aren’t washed or covered with a new condom each time they are used
  • close genital contact – this means you can get herpes from someone even if there is no penetration, orgasm or ejaculation.

Be aware that the condom or dental dam must cover any blisters or you won’t be protected.

If you have genital herpes while pregnant you can pass the virus on to your unborn baby. Speak to your healthcare provider right away if you’re pregnant and worried you might have herpes.

Genital herpes, HIV and sexual health

  • Having genital herpes increases your risk of getting and passing on HIV. The blisters and sores provide an easy transmission route for HIV during sex.
  • For someone living with HIV, being recently infected with herpes or having a herpes outbreak will normally increase their viral load. This makes them more likely to pass on HIV when having sex without a condom, even if they’re taking HIV drugs (antiretrovirals).
  • However, if they have an undetectable viral load (because they are taking antiretrovirals) there is no evidence that herpes makes them more likely to pass on HIV.
  • Genital herpes is one of the most common infections in people living with HIV and can be a more serious condition if you’re HIV positive – meaning that outbreaks may last longer and blisters can be more severe.
  • If you’re having recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes, you should have an HIV test, as this may be a sign of a weakened immune system caused by HIV.
  • If you’re taking antiretrovirals it’s important to discuss with your doctor how treatment for herpes may interact with your HIV drugs.

How do you avoid getting or passing on genital herpes?

  • Avoid sex if either you or your partner has an outbreak (or if you feel like you might be about to get one). Wait until the symptoms have cleared up before having sex again.
  • Use a new male or female condom or dental dam every time you have vaginal, anal or oral sex.
  • Remember that a condom or dental dam must cover any sores or you will not be protected.
  • Cover sex toys with a new condom and wash them after use.
  • Use a new dental dam or latex gloves for rimming and fingering (exploring your partner’s anus with your fingers, mouth or tongue) or use latex gloves for fisting, especially if you get herpes on your hands.
  • Discuss your sexual health with your partner. Knowing each other’s sexual health status can help you decide together how to have safer sex.
  • Having multiple sexual partners can also increase your risk of getting genital herpes. If you are having sex with multiple partners, it’s even more important to use condoms and have regular STI tests.

Note condoms are the best protection against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. Taking PrEP doesn’t prevent herpes or pregnancy.

Ask your doctor or healthcare worker if you want more advice about safer sex.

What do genital herpes symptoms look like?

Most people with genital herpes don’t have any symptoms when first infected, and they can take months or years to develop. If symptoms do occur when first infected, they usually develop in four to seven days. Symptoms are normally more severe the first time than in re-occurring infections.

 Symptoms for women and men include:

  • small blisters that burst to leave red, open sores around your genitals, anus (bottom), thighs and buttocks
  • blisters and ulcers on the cervix (lower part of the womb) in women
  • vaginal discharge in women
  • pain when passing urine (peeing)
  • feeling unwell, with aches, pains and flu-like symptoms.

The symptoms normally clear up within 20 days.

Although symptoms of genital herpes can go by themselves, the virus stays dormant (inactive) in the body and symptoms may come back – this is called a recurrent outbreak. Recurrent outbreaks normally become shorter and less severe as your body learns to fight the virus more effectively.

If you’re having frequent herpes outbreaks, you may notice a tingling, burning or itching sensation around your genitals or down your leg before the blisters appear. It’s best to avoid having sex in this stage, as herpes can be more infectious in this period.

Can I get tested for genital herpes?

Yes – the tests normally involve taking a swab from a blister. So if you think you have a blister, it’s best to get it checked out right away.

If you have genital herpes you should be tested for other STIs.

It’s also advised that you tell your recent sexual partner/s so they can also get tested and treated. Many people who have genital herpes do not notice anything wrong, and by telling them you can help to stop the virus being passed on. It can also stop you from getting the infection again.

How is genital herpes treated?

There is no cure for herpes, and outbreaks will normally clear on their own. However, antiviral treatment can relieve the symptoms and reduce the chance of you passing herpes on.

Whether you receive treatment will often depend on whether it’s your first infection or if your symptoms keep coming back. For a first time infection, you would normally take an antiviral tablet. If you are experiencing a recurrent outbreak, you may only be offered antiviral tablets if your symptoms are severe.

You can ease your symptoms by:

  • keeping the affected area clean using plain or salt water to prevent blisters or ulcers from becoming infected and help them heal quicker
  • applying a wrapped up ice pack to the sores to ease the pain and speed up the healing process
  • applying petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, to any blisters or ulcers to reduce the pain when passing urine
  • asking a healthcare provider to recommend painkilling creams
  • drinking plenty of fluids to dilute your urine – this will make passing urine less painful
  • avoiding tight clothing because it may irritate the blisters and ulcers.

Don’t be tempted to pop the blisters as this can risk spreading the infection to other areas of skin. Avoid touching or rubbing the blister as this can also increase the risk of the infection spreading. If your herpes treatment requires you to apply cream to a sore, just gently pat the cream on, being careful not to rub around the surrounding area.

Don’t have sex until you or your partner have finished your treatment, and the blisters or ulcers have gone. If it’s your first outbreak, it’s sometimes advised that you check back with a healthcare provider before having sex again, to ensure that your symptoms have gone.

Complications of genital herpes

Speak to a healthcare professional if you are worried about complications.

  • As with most STIs, genital herpes puts you at risk of other STIs, including HIV.
  • In rare cases, blisters can become infected by other bacteria causing a skin infection that spreads to other parts of the body like the lips, hands or fingers.
  • In some cases, herpes can cause bladder problems, meningitis or inflammation of the lining of the anus (bottom), particularly in men who have sex with men.
  • Having herpes while pregnant can be dangerous for the baby. See your healthcare professional if you’re pregnant and think you might have herpes.

What is Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are common. According to the Centers for Disease ControlTrusted Source, more than 20 million new infections occur in the United States every year. Even more people remain undiagnosed.

One of the reasons many people don’t know they’re infected is that many STDs don’t have any symptoms. You can be infected with an STD for years without knowing it. Even when STDs don’t have obvious symptoms, they can still damage your body. Untreated, asymptomatic STDs can:

  • increase your risk of infertility
  • cause certain types of cancer
  • spread to your sexual partners
  • damage your unborn baby if you’re pregnant
  • make you more susceptible to HIV infection


STDs catch many people off guard. However, it’s important to protect your sexual health. Be aware of any physical changes, however minor. Seek medical help to understand them.

Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing the symptoms of an STD. They can treat your infection or provide you with medications to decrease the symptoms or problems you may have. They can also counsel you on how to reduce your STD risk in the future.

STD symptoms can range from mild to extreme. Some of the most common symptoms of STDs include the following:

Changes in urination

Burning or pain during urination can be a symptom of several STDs. However, it can also occur due to a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. Therefore it’s important to get tested if you have pain or other symptoms during urination.

STDs that can cause pain during urination include:

  • chlamydia
  • gonorrhea
  • trichomoniasis
  • genital herpes

Talk to your doctor if you notice any changes in urination. You should also note the color of your urine to check for the presence of blood.

Unusual discharge from the penis

Discharge from the penis is usually a symptom of an STD or another infection. It’s important to report this symptom to your doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis. STDs that can cause discharge include:

  • chlamydia
  • gonorrhea
  • trichomoniasis

These infections are generally treatable with antibiotics. However, it’s important to take your medication exactly as prescribed.

You should return to your doctor if your symptoms don’t improve or if they come back. You may have become re-infected by contact with your partner, particularly if they weren’t treated at the same time as you were. You may also need a different antibiotic.

Burning or itching in the vaginal area

STDs aren’t always the cause of burning or itching in the vaginal area. A bacterial or yeast infection can also cause vaginal burning or itching. However, you should talk to your doctor about any sensation changes in your vaginal area. Bacterial vaginosis and pubic lice can cause itching and need treatment.

Pain during sex

Occasional pain during sex is fairly common among women. Because of this, it can be one of the most overlooked symptoms of an STD. If you experience pain during sex, you should discuss it with your doctor. This is particularly true if the pain:

  • is new
  • has changed
  • started with a new sexual partner
  • began after a change in sexual habits

Pain during ejaculation can also be an STD symptom in men.

Abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be a symptom of a number of infections. Not all of these are sexually transmitted. Sexually associated infections, such as yeast and bacterial vaginosis can also cause discharge.

If you have changes in your vaginal discharge, talk to your doctor. Some vaginal discharge is normal throughout the menstrual cycle. However, it shouldn’t be strangely colored or smell bad. These can be symptoms of an STD. For example, discharge that occurs due to trichomoniasis is often green, frothy, and foul smelling. Gonorrhea discharge may be yellow and tinged with blood.

If you have bleeding between periods combined with discharge, make an appointment with your doctor. These symptoms can also be a sign of cancer.

Bumps or sores

Bumps and sores may be the first noticeable signs of STDs including:

  • genital herpes
  • human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • syphilis
  • molloscum contagiosum

If you have strange bumps or sores on or near your mouth or genitals, talk to your doctor. You should mention these sores to your doctor even if they go away before your visit. Herpes sores, for example, typically go away within a week or two. However, they can still be infectious even when no sores are present.

Just because a sore has healed doesn’t mean the infection has gone away. An infection like herpes is lifelong. Once you become infected, the virus is present in your body at all times.

Pain in the pelvic or abdominal region

Pelvic pain can be a sign of a number of conditions. If the pain is unusual or intense, it’s a good idea to discuss it with your doctor.

Many causes of pelvic pain aren’t related to STDs. However, one cause of severe pelvic pain in women is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which occurs when asymptomatic STDs have gone untreated. Bacteria ascend into the uterus and abdomen. There, infection causes inflammation and scarring. This can be extremely painful and, in rare cases, fatal. PID is one of the leading causes of preventable infertility in women.

Nonspecific symptoms

STDs are infections. Just like other infections, they can cause many nonspecific symptoms, which are symptoms that can be caused by a number of illnesses. They indicate that your body is responding to an infection. Nonspecific symptoms that can occur due to STDs and related conditions include:

  • chills
  • a fever
  • tiredness
  • rashes
  • weight loss

On their own, these symptoms will not cause your doctor to suspect you have an STD. If you think you are at risk for an STD, tell your doctor.

People at greatest risk of contracting STDs

Although anyone can contract an STD, data shows that young people and men who have sex with other men (MSM) are at greatest risk. Rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea are highest among young people aged 15-24, while 83 percentTrusted Source of men who contract syphilis are MSM.

Treating STD symptoms

Some STDs are curable while others aren’t. Talk to your doctor about treatments as well as preventive measures to ensure you don’t pass an STD while it still may be contagious.

Doctors can treat certain STDs. Examples include the following:

  • They treat chlamydia infections with antibiotics.
  • They can cure gonorrhea using antibiotics. However, some drug-resistant strains of the virus have emerged that don’t respond to traditional treatments.
  • Taking antibiotics can cure syphilis. The medication your doctors chooses depends on the stage of syphilis.
  • Doctors can prescribe the antifungal medications metronidazole or tinidazole to treat the condition.

Some STDs aren’t curable but treatments can reduce their symptoms. Herpes and HPV are two STDs in this category.

For herpes, doctors will prescribe medications to shorten an outbreak. These are known as antivirals. Some people take these medications on a daily basis to reduce the likelihood of an outbreak.

Doctors don’t have specific treatments for HPV. However, they may prescribe topical medications to reduce the incidence of itching and discomfort.

Even if you’ve been treated and no longer have an STD, you can contract the STD again. You aren’t immune from contracting the same STD again.

When to see your doctor

Doctors need to perform tests to figure out if you have an STD, another infectious disease, or a different condition altogether. It’s important to visit your doctor as soon as you have symptoms. Early diagnosis means you can get treatment earlier and you have less risk of complications.

Another reason to visit your doctor as soon as you have symptoms is that it’s easier to diagnose many STDs when symptoms are present. Symptoms can sometimes go away, but that doesn’t mean the STD has been cured. The STD can still be present and symptoms can return.

Screening isn’t a part of a standard health exam. You cannot know whether you have an STD unless you’ve asked for a test and received your results.

Sources:healthline , Wikipedia