The Symbolism of a Dead Person in Islamic Dream Meanings

Seeing a Dead Person in Islamic Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation of a dead person 

It is indicated in Nafa’is al-funun that seeing a corpse and a person who is dead in a dream is interpreted as illegal (haram) money.

Allameh Majlesi has written that if someone sees a corpse or a dead person in a dream, he will be informed of an absent person.

Ibn Sirin believes that if someone sees a corpse that is being taken, depending on the number of people who are accompanying the corpse to bury him, God will give him an emirate and power.

It is narrated from Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) that seeing a corpse in a dream is good because it brings prominence, wealth, honor and status to the dreamer.

Interpretation of seeing a corpse in a dream

It is good to see a corpse who is being carried by others, because it refers to a relief from grief and sorrow, and if we are sick, we will recover, and if we are indebted, we will pay our debts.

If the dreamer sees himself dead, he will live for a longer time, on which all Islamic and foreign interpreters agree.

If we dream that the dead person is sick, this is not good either, and it is recommended that the dreamer should take care of his health by refusing to take risks for a while and not get angry, and abstaining from traveling or interfering in issues towards which he can be indifferent.

It is good to dig a grave and see the corpse without touching it.

In case you dream that someone who you know as being dead gives you something, it would be good, meaning that the dreamer will receive some money.

It is not good if you see a corpse that has risen and invited you to accompany him.

If you see a chic corpse in clean and good clothes, it is good since the corpse will bring you happiness, but in case the corpse is dressed in clumsy, messy, and dirty clothes, it is bad for the reason that the corpse will make you sad and upset, signifying that you will be sad in the upcoming days.

Interpretation of a corpse in dreams

Seeing a corpse in dreams represents an aspect of yourself that is dead in you, or it may mean that you are abandoned and inexpressible. You have abandoned yourself and died from within.

Interpretation of a deceased person’s dream

Seeing someone dead or talking to them in a dream shows that you are under the influence of destructive people and that you are surrounded by vicious people. This dream can also be a way for you to psychoanalyze your feelings with those who have died.

Likewise, this dream can be the symbol of financial failure. If you dream of someone who died a long time ago, it indicates that your current situation or relationship in your life has similarities with how your situation and relationship with the deceased person was. This dream can reveal to you how much you need to end this relationship.

If you dream of someone who has just died, it means that his death is still fresh in your mind and you are still trying to believe that he is gone. If the deceased person is trying to take you somewhere with him, it means that you are trying to comprehend his death. You also do not want to be alone.

Seeing and talking to a dead parent in a dream reflects your fears about losing them, as well as how you deal with this issue. You use your dream as a last chance to say goodbye to them.

Seeing a dead sibling, relative, or friend in a dream shows your longing and efforts to soothe your old memories with them. As you strive for your daily life, your dreams will serve as the only means of coping with and accepting the loss of your beloved one. If you dream that someone who has died dies again, it means that you wish he was still alive and that you have experienced many things in life with him. Such dreams occur most often during happy times or during important life events.

Dreaming that your child is dead is a way to keep him or her alive through your dreams. It is awfully hard for a parent to lose a child. Such dreams happen because you still cannot comprehend and accept how and why your child was taken away from you so soon.

The Symbolism of Death in Islamic Dream Interpretations

Death is a universal concept that holds deep significance in Islamic teachings. It is seen as a transition from the temporary worldly life to the eternal afterlife. In Islamic dream interpretations, seeing a dead person in a dream is not to be taken literally, but rather symbolically.

When a deceased individual appears in a dream, it is believed to be a message from Allah, providing the dreamer with an opportunity for reflection and spiritual growth. It serves as a reminder of the transient nature of life and the importance of preparing for the hereafter.

Reflection on One’s Actions

Seeing a dead person in a dream can serve as a wake-up call, urging the dreamer to reflect upon their actions and seek repentance if necessary. It prompts introspection and encourages individuals to evaluate their behavior, relationships, and overall conduct in order to make positive changes.

This dream symbol can also be a reminder of the inevitability of death and the need to prioritize the pursuit of good deeds and righteous actions. It encourages individuals to live a life that is pleasing to Allah and to strive for spiritual growth.

Seeking Forgiveness and Making Amends

In Islamic teachings, it is believed that seeing a deceased person in a dream can signify that the soul of the deceased is in need of supplication and forgiveness. It is considered a call to action for the dreamer to pray for the forgiveness and mercy of Allah upon the departed soul.

Furthermore, if the dream involves a deceased loved one, it can be an indication that the dreamer needs to make amends or resolve any unresolved issues with that person. It serves as an opportunity for reconciliation and healing, both spiritually and emotionally.

Contemplation of Mortality

Another interpretation of seeing a dead person in an Islamic dream is the contemplation of one’s own mortality. It serves as a reminder that life is fleeting and that death is an inevitable part of the human experience. This realization can inspire individuals to live a life of purpose, gratitude, and mindfulness.

Contemplating death in this way can also help individuals detach from worldly desires and focus on the pursuit of spiritual growth and the attainment of a higher level of consciousness.

Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash