Face Mapping: What Your Skin Telling About Your Health

Your skin is your biggest and most visible organ. But it differs from many organs in one simple way: When it’s experiencing a problem, you sure as heck know about it.

Face Mapping: What Your Skin Telling About Your Health

If you’re like most people, you at least occasionally deal with acne breakouts, skin dryness, redness and signs of uneven skin tone. If so, you probably wonder about possible underlying causes of these skin conditions in hopes of finding a way to get rid of them for good.

One route you may want to explore is face mapping, a theory with thousands of years of history rooted in both ancient Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.

Practitioners who still today utilize face mapping techniques tell us that the underlying premise is this: where ailments like acne or redness show up on your face is representative of what’s going on elsewhere in your body, particularly in major organs such as your kidneys, liver and heart.

What Is Face Mapping?

Face mapping is an ancient medicinal technique that involves making connections between problems affecting someone’s face and their overall health.

Some experts, including certain dermatologists, consider face mapping to be an approach that combines elements of Eastern and Western medicine philosophies. That’s because it takes into account various causes of skin/facial conditions, such as: allergies, diet, stress levels, hormones, genetics, age and personality type/body constitution (also called doshas).

Face mapping for acne is one of the most popular applications of this theory. The idea is that acne flare ups that repeatedly develop on certain locations on the face, such as the chin or forehead, have specific causes.

Face mapping can also be used to help treat issues like redness, rashes due to food allergies, lines, puffiness and wrinkles.

Face maps can differ somewhat depending on their origin, but most divide the face into at least 10 different zones.

Here is a basic face mapping chart that can be used to help indicate underlying causes of skin problems:

  • Blemishes on your forehead —  impacted by the small intestine and bladder; may be tied to unmanaged stress, poor digestion and sleep deprivation
  • Breakouts between/above your eyebrows or nose area — said to represent an imbalance in the kidneys, stomach, bladder or spleen. When acne develops near the nostrils, it may also be tied to gut-related problems and inflammation of the small intestine.
  • Lines/wrinkles between your eyebrows on the right side — can indicate that you are repressing emotions such as anger. This may be tied to poor liver function and require acts of forgiveness, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Lines/wrinkles on the left side of your eyes — may represent problems with functions of the liver and spleen
  • Breakouts or lines above the eyebrows — represents a problem with heart function
  • Puffiness under the eyes — said to be connected to poor kidney function
  • Acne on the chin, around the mouth and on the jaw — said to be due to imbalance in reproductive system, as well as the large intestine or colon and stomach. When acne forms below the lips and lower chin, it may represent that the whole digestive system is not functioning properly, including the spleen and kidneys.
  • Red cheeks — can be tied to dysfunction of the stomach, liver and lungs; may also indicate an immune response, respiratory issues or allergies
  • Red nose — may indicate heart-related issues like high blood pressure and inflammation
  • Irritation on your neck — can be representative of stress that affects the immune system

What Science Says

Is face mapping a real solution for dealing with ailments such as rashes and acne?

Overall, scientific evidence is lacking to show that Ayurvedic and Chinese face mapping is accurate and useful for most people.

However, there is some research showing that certain types of skin conditions on the face that tend to show up in particular areas, such as acne or redness on the chin or cheeks, may be representative of problems such as hormonal issues, stress or immune reactions.

A 2019 study also states, “Distinct regional differences in transepidermal water loss (TEWL), capacitance, blood flow, sebum, pH and temperature are demonstrated in facial skin”, which means parts of the face may be impacted by certain lifestyle changes.

Modern dermatological science suggests the root causes of most skin conditions that manifest on the face include:

  • Hormonal imbalances, such as high levels of androgenic hormones like testosterone
  • High levels of stress
  • High production of oils, especially in the “T-zone,” which consists of your forehead, nose and chin
  • Poor sleep habits
  • Poor hygiene that allows oils, sweat, dead skin cells and bacteria to accumulate
  • Poor gut health, including lack of healthy probiotic bacteria
  • Allergies and immune responses
  • Irritation/reactions to makeup, skincare and hair products
  • Genetics
  • Sun exposure
  • Poor circulation
  • Underlying diseases such as diabetes or heart disease
  • Environmental exposure to irritants

Many of the causes listed above are also addressed by face mapping treatment protocols.

Most dermatologists advise that before turning to face mapping for help, start with the basics: clean your face regularly with gentle, appropriate products, use SPF if you’re in the sun, treat any existing skin infections and remove any known allergens from your diet and lifestyle.

If you already practice good hygiene and eat a balanced diet but your symptoms are still ongoing, you might consider visiting a consultant who specializes in face mapping for additional help.

What’s the bottom line about what science says about face mapping? It isn’t supported by solid evidence; however, it isn’t believed to be risky either, making it an option you may want to pursue if other treatments haven’t worked well.

Chinese Face Mapping

Chinese “face reading” is also known as mien shiang, a practice that is at least 3,000 years old.

Just like with other Traditional Chinese Medicine practices, such as acupuncture, face reading is based on channels of energy that flow through the body along specific meridians. When someone’s “life force energy,” or Qi, is disturbed, this is believed to manifest on the face in the form of breakouts, bumps, redness and other issues. However, most studies show that the meridian system “lacks a physical anatomical basis.”

Chapman Lee, a Chinese scholar and co-founder of the skincare line Baszicare, explained to Refinery29 that “Face mapping is the ability to see the reflection of the body’s organs on each part of the face by observing the face’s complexion — such as luster, dullness and color [and breakouts!] — as well as the tongue and face expression.”

How does Ayurvedic face mapping compare to Chinese face reading? The two differ somewhat in terms of which organs/systems influence various parts of the face. TCM also involves manipulations of the body’s meridians, while Ayurveda focuses more on addressing someone’s genetically determined body type (their dosha).

In TCM, dysfunction of the organs in the digestive organs (mainly the liver, kidneys, stomach, spleen and intestines) are responsible for many problems that develop on the skin. For example, poor liver health is said to represent decreased detoxification and, therefore, increased facial inflammation, redness and breakouts.

Other factors that TCM addresses to improve skin health include a poor diet, a lack of sleep, high stress levels, emotional anger and use of medications.

Dermalogica Face Mapping

Dermalogica is a company that offers skincare advice based on a combination of ancient Chinese diagnoses and science-based knowledge. Their techniques have a lot of overlap with Chinese and Ayurvedic face reading; however, they focus more on issues like hormonal fluctuations, irritation due to products, sun exposure and dehydration.

According to the Dermatologica website, the skin analysis they refer to as Face Mapping® “involves looking at your skin with a trained eye, touching your skin and asking you questions about your lifestyle and environment.”

The personalized recommendations that Dermalogica makes based on face mapping theory (in addition to other dermatological information) is called your “Personalized Skin Fitness Plan.” The purpose of this service is to identify your skin goals, reveal your true skin type and base product recommendations on your individual skin condition and lifestyle.

Some of the most common recommendations that consultants make based on face readings include:

  • Avoiding irritation caused by fragrances and skin/haircare products
  • Removing makeup and pore-clogging cosmetics
  • Preventing sun damage
  • Staying hydrated
  • Resolving stress
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Addressing food allergies
  • Avoiding bacteria from contact with cellphones and dirty pillow cases

This Face Mapping® service is completed within several minutes and conducted by a qualified Dermalogica skincare professional. You can visit one of the company’s Concept Spaces, or find a nearby salon or spa that is qualified to perform the analysis.

Final Thoughts

  • What’s the meaning of face mapping, and how does it work? It’s an ancient theory (but not a scientifically-proven process) based on the belief that symptoms that affect the face are indicative of deeper health issues.
  • Acne face mapping is one of the most popular applications. While face mapping differs depending on the origin, most practitioners believe that acne on the forehead represents a kidney or digestive issue, while acne on the chin and jaw indicates dysfunction of the intestines and colon, as well as hormonal imbalances and high stress levels.
  • Chinese face mapping (or face reading) is based on the idea that poor functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach, spleen and intestines are responsible for many problems that develop on the skin, due to how they disturb the body’s flow of energy.
  • Dermalogica face mapping is one popular program that’s available in certain locations, including spas and salons. Dermalogica is a company that offers skincare advice based on a combination of ancient Chinese face mapping diagnoses and science-based knowledge.

Five Amazing life hacks for healthy skin

Skin is the body’s largest organ. When healthy, its layers work hard to protect us. But when it’s compromised, the skin’s ability to work as an effective barrier is impaired. We have therefore found the best ways to improve skin health to support it in maintaining its protective role.

With a few simple alterations to your skincare routine, you could have radiant-looking skin in no time.

Your skin is the window to your body that reveals the stories of your life. From acne breakouts during your teenage years to the radiant glow of pregnancy and the sunspots of aging, both your age and your health are reflected in your skin.

Skin has many functions, making it the ultimate multitasker of the human body. Its most important role is being the first line of defense between our bodies and the outside world, protecting us from bacteria, viruses, and pollution and chemical substances that we encounter in the workplace and at home.

Skin regulates body temperature, maintains fluid balance, and controls moisture loss. It also acts as a barrier and shock absorber, recognizes pain sensations to alert us to danger, and protects us against the sun’s harmful ultaviolet (UV) rays.

Many factors impact your skin. Genetics, aging, hormones, and conditions such as diabetes are internal factors that affect the skin. Some of these you cannot influence, but there are many external factors that you can.

External influencers such as unprotected sun exposure and washing too frequently or with water that is too hot can damage skin. An unhealthful diet, stress, a lack of sleep, not enough exercise, dehydration, smoking, and particular medications can all impact the skin’s ability to operate as an effective protective barrier.

1. Eat a healthful diet

There is a multibillion-dollar industry dedicated to products that keep your skin looking its best, and which claim to fight signs of aging. But moisturizers only go skin deep, and aging develops at a deeper, cellular level.

What you eat is as important as the products that you put on your skin. Your diet could improve your skin health from the inside out, so a clear complexion begins with eating a healthful diet.

Skin-healthy foods

Here are some foods that have been acknowledged by research as being skin-healthy.

Mangoes contain compounds with antioxidant properties. These compounds help to protect components of the skin, such as collagen.

Tomatoes have skin cancer-prevention benefits. One studyTrusted Source in mice revealed that daily tomato consumption decreased the development of skin cancer tumors by 50 percent after UV light exposure.

Consuming tomatoes on a daily basis may help to protect against skin cancer.

Research has shown that incorporating tomato paste into your meals may help to protect against sunburn. After 10 weeks, people who consumed 40 grams of tomato paste per day had 40 percent less sunburn than the control group.

Lycopene, the pigment responsible for giving tomatoes their deep red color, is thought to play a role in the protective effect of tomatoes against UV damage.

Olive oil is associatedTrusted Source with a lower risk of severe facial photoaging — that is, cumulative damage to the skin that includes wrinkles, dark spots, and discoloration, which result from long-term sunlight exposure.

Cocoa flavanols found in dark chocolate may improve the structure and function of skin. Scientists discovered that cocoa flavanols decreased roughness and scaling on skin, increased skin hydration, and helped to support the skin’s defenses against damage from UV rays.

Green tea has been tied to many skin benefits. Compounds found in green tea called polyphenols rejuvenate dying skin cells, which suggests that they may be useful for healing wounds or certain skin conditions.

It has shown promising results as a potential treatment for skin conditions such as psoriasis and dandruff. Patches of dry, flaky, and red skin often feature in these conditions — usually as a result of inflammation and the overproduction of skin cells. Green tea may slow down the production of skin cells and suppress inflammation.

White tea has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. One study indicates that some ingredients in white tea may protect the skin from oxidative stress and immune cell damage.

Kale is one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin may protectTrusted Source against light-induced skin damage, especially from UV rays.

Omega-3 found in oily fish, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds or oils such as linseed oil and corn oil may prevent dryness and scaling of the skin.

Soy may help to improve crow’s feet skin wrinkles that appear at the outer corner of the eyes in menopausal women.

Never rely on foods to protect you from the sun. To protect yourself from sun exposure, always use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, seek shade between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear clothing that covers your skin and a wide-brimmed hat.

Calorie restriction diet

Research has demonstrated in mice that reducing calorie intake slows down the cellular aging process. This finding could prove to be an anti-aging strategy to test in humans in the future.

Scientists found that reducing the number of calories consumed by 35 percent had an impact on aging inside a cell. Cutting calories caused the cell’s protein makers, called ribosomes, to slow down, and the aging process also to decelerate.

This decreased speed not only lowered the production of ribosomes, but it also gave them time to repair themselves and keep the entire body functioning well.

Other early research has shown that allantoin — a compound found in many anti-aging face creams — mimics the effect of calorie restriction diets and increases lifespan by more than 20 percent. The elixir of life could be hiding in your bathroom cabinet.

Unfortunately, this research has so far only been conducted in worms. It may, however, eventually pave the way for new longevity pathways to explore in humans.


Cutting your intake of alcohol could lower your risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancers. Research uncovered that higher alcohol intake was associated with a higher risk of developing basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Researchers discovered that for each 10-gram increase in consumption of alcohol per day, the risk of basal cell carcinoma rose by 7 percent and the risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma rose by 11 percent.

2. Keep stress in check

Have you ever noticed that right before an important event, an unsightly pimple appears on your face? Well, scientists have identified some links between stress levels and skin problems.

In a study of college students, those who experienced high stress levels were more likely to experience skin issues such as:

Using stress reduction techniques could help to keep your skin looking fresh and clear.
  • itchy skin
  • hair loss
  • flaky, oily, or waxy patches on the scalp
  • troublesome sweating
  • scaly skin
  • hand rashes

Other research showed that teenagers who reported high stress levels were 23 percent more likely to have severe acne.

The researchers suspect that stress increases the quantity of sebum, which is the oily substance that blocks pores. This, in turn, leads to greater acne severity.

Reducing your stress levels may lead to clearer skin. If you think that stress is having an impact on your skin, try stress reduction techniques such as tai chi, yoga, or meditation.

3. Keep moisture in the skin

Skin moisturizers keep the top layer of skin cells hydrated and seal in moisture. Moisturizers often contain humectants to attract moisture, occlusive agents to retain moisture in the skin, and emollients to smooth the spaces between skin cells.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following ways to keep moisture in and prevent dry, red, and itchy skin:

Moisturize your skin immediately after getting out of the shower to lock in moisture.
  • Take one 5- to 10-minute shower or bath per day. Excessive washing can strip away the oily layer of the skin and dry it out.
  • Use warm water instead of hot water.
  • Minimize the use of harsh soaps. Use a gentle and fragrance-free cleanser.
  • Stay away from abrasive scrub brushes, bath sponges, and washcloths that can damage the skin’s surface.
  • Pat skin gently dry with a towel.
  • Moisturize immediately after washing. To trap in moisture, ointments, lotions, and creams need to be applied within minutes of drying off.
  • Use ointments or creams rather than lotions in order to minimize irritation.
  • Never scratch the skin. Cold compresses and moisturizers should help to control itching.
  • Wear non-irritating clothes. When wearing clothing made from wool or other rough materials, wear silk or cotton underneath.
  • Use hypoallergenic laundry detergent.
  • Avoid getting too close to fireplaces and other heat sources that can dry out skin.
  • Switch on a humidifier in the winter to replenish moisture in the skin’s top layer.

Contact your dermatologist if these simple changes do not bring relief from dry skin. They can provide targeted treatment for your specific skin complaint.

4. Quit smoking

Smoking ages facial skinTrusted Source and skin located in other body areasTrusted Source. Smoking narrows the blood vessels found in the outer layer of the skin, which reduces blood flow and exhausts the skin of the nutrients and oxygen it needs to remain healthy.

Qutting smoking can improve your skin health and prevent smoking-related wrinkles from forming.

Collagen and elastin give the skin its strength and elasticity. Smoking may reduce the natural elasticity of the skin by causing the breakdown of collagen and reduction of collagen production.

Furthermore, the repetitive expressions that are made when smoking — such as pursing the lips — can contribute to wrinkles on the face.

If you currently smoke, the best thing that you can do for your skin health is quit. You can visit Smokefree.gov, an initiative from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), for information about quitting smoking.

5. Get your beauty sleep

Getting your beauty sleep will banish those dark circles around your eyes and improve your skin tone, and, best of all, it is free.

Getting the recommended hours of sleep could do wonders for your complexion.

The National Sleep Foundation recommend that adults sleep for between 7 and 9 hours every day. Sleeping for under that amount of time could be detrimental to your health — and your skin, in particular.

Chronic sleep deprivation is known to be linked with obesity, immune deficiency, diabetes, and cancer, but research has shown that sleep quality may also have a significant impact on skin function and aging.

People classed as poor sleepers had increased signs of premature skin aging and a decreased ability for their skin to repair itself at night from environmental stressors such as sun exposure.

During deep sleep, your body enters repair mode and regenerates skin, muscles, and blood and brain cells. Without adequate sleep, your body is unable to produce new collagen. Collagen prevents your skin from sagging.

Try to get an early night and sleep for a full 7 hours to look your best.

Keeping your skin healthy and young does not necessarily mean breaking the bank by purchasing expensive creams and lotions; by following these simple steps, you can make dull and lifeless skin glow.

Sources: Draxe , Medicalnewstoday