All dreams about giving birth, pregnancy ...

Childbirth in Dream Islam (Seeing newborn baby & giving birth)

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth are often experienced together in dreams. If this is the case, it is important to pay close attention to which of the two topics is the primary focus of your dream.

For Western interpreters, if one is not pregnant, dreaming of childbirth can denote anxieties related to the outcomes of decisions or projects undertaken. Such a dream can indicate a desire to overcome difficulties and make progress in life.

Luke Uitenhau believes that giving birth is the realization of one’s wishes.

Annelie Beaton’s interpretations of childbirth dreams are as follows:

  1. Dreaming of giving birth can indicate the birth of a healthy child.
  2. If a woman is giving birth in a dream, it may symbolize the loss of something precious.
  3. For a young girl, dreaming of giving birth can signify a departure from honesty and a descent into wrong behavior.
  4. For a married woman, dreaming of giving birth may portend the receipt of a generous inheritance.

Interpretation of the dream of giving birth to a man

Manouchehr Matiei Tehrani states that the act of giving birth in a dream can signify freedom from sadness and pain. However, this action can be interpreted in many different ways when seen in a dream. Generally speaking, if a man has a dream in which he is pregnant and going through labor, it is not a good sign.

If a man has a dream in which he is pregnant, it will be seen as a sign of disgrace and dishonor. Anything that is associated with women is considered unacceptable for men, particularly pregnancy, which is viewed as dishonorable. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and subsequently gives birth, it is an incredibly shameful occurrence.

Interpretation of the dream of childbirth in animals

Western interpreters suggest that;

  1. If one dreams of giving birth to a non-human creature, it is an indication of a deep fear concerning the health of their child. They are concerned that the baby may emerge with some sort of defect or incompleteness. This type of dream is commonly experienced by pregnant women during the second trimester.

2. Furthermore, if a person dreams of giving birth to a monster, it signifies that they possess creative energy that has the potential to blossom and thrive.

Leila Bright: If you see an animal giving birth in a dream, it means that you have good days ahead.

Dream interpretation of giving birth to a big baby

Western interpreters say:

  • Dreaming of giving birth to a large and hefty infant can depend on numerous factors. You may be apprehensive of depending on others and concerned about satisfying them.
  • If you have a dream in which someone else is delivering a large baby, it could be a sign of the responsibilities that person has created for you and others.

Dream interpretation of giving birth to a girl in a dream

Bright says: If you dream of having a baby girl, it could be a sign that you may encounter difficulties in your professional life.

Mohammad bin Sirin says about the birth dream:

If you dream that you have a baby girl, it is a sign of health and you will be happy with your family.

If he saw a girl coming to him, it was a sign of good health and he was happy with his family.

If he sees that he gave birth to a girl, it means that he gave birth to a boy.

Hazrat Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: If a woman dreams that she gives birth to a baby girl, a child will be born from her generation who will become the head of his family.

Interpretation of giving birth to a boy in a dream

Bright says: If you dream that you have given birth to a boy, it is a sign of good luck.

Ibn Sirin says: If someone sees a boy coming, it is a sign that a girl is coming.

Hazrat Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: If a woman dreams that she gives birth to a boy and the boy immediately starts talking, the death of the woman who dreams is near.

Dream interpretation of giving birth to a dead child

Leila Bright: If you dream that you have given birth to a dead child, it means that something will make you sad.

Dream interpretation of difficult childbirth

Bright says: If you dream that you had a difficult birth, it means that you will be threatened by an illness.

Photo by Suhyeon Choi