Betrayal | Cheating | Infidelity Dream Meaning

Infidelity in sleep often seems so tangible that you go to your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, or another person you care about and accuse them.

Such dreams are disturbing and frightening, especially if they make you question your partner.

A small percentage of unfaithful dreams are related to infidelity, but most are related to your feelings of insecurity. So what is the exact meaning of these dreams?

According to Western observers, seeing infidelity in a dream is a sign of differences and contradictions in your genuine emotional relationships.

Such dreams can be strongly derived from the waking state of the dreamer.

Infidelity can be the wife’s infidelity to the husband and sometimes the husband’s infidelity. Women often dream that their husbands have cheated on them and have a relationship with another person or the second wife. At first, these dreams cause fear in people, but with the interpretation of Ibn Sirin and Imam Sadegh, the stress of women can be reduced somewhat.

Ibn Sirin says,โ€ When a woman dreams that her husband has taken a second wife, the interpretation is the abundance of good and the blessing of increasing prosperity.โ€

A concerned man came to Imam Sadegh. The Imam asked, What happened to you? Why are you so upset and angry? The person replied: At dawn, I had a dream. I had taken a second wife, and my wife was depressed when she founds out. The Imam replied: Be glad that the interpretation of your dream is full of goodness and blessings, and soon wealth will come to you, or blessings will flow into your house.

Photo by Romina Ahmadpour